
Frequently asked questions

General terms and conditions

The weather conditions are not favorable (snow, rain). Is my course insured ?
Yes, your instructor will be waiting for you at the meeting point. Bring a mask for better visibility and appropriate clothing. There will be no refunds or postponements. See terms and conditions.
Will there be snow during my stay ?
Normally no worries, the ski area is amply equipped with snow cannons, and ESF Les Rousses does its utmost to provide lessons.
Are skiers and hikers provided with their own equipment ?
No, you must bring your own ski equipment (skis, poles and boots) or snowshoes, depending on the course you choose. Ask your local sports store for details. You can also reserve your equipment in advance !
Is the ski pass compulsory and/or free?
Lift passes or slope access badges are NOT INCLUDED in the price of our lessons.
If you wish, you can book your lift passes in advance via the Les Rousses ski resort.
For some ESF Les Rousses courses, ski passes are not compulsory: see the PACKAGES/EQUIPMENT page.
Is the medal included in the service ?
Yes, if you have purchased a package of 5 consecutive group or private lessons.
What is the maximum number of people per course ?
There are no regulations concerning class size. In the interests of quality, Esf Les Rousses has set the number of students for group lessons at 12, although these figures may occasionally be exceeded, as it happens, for example, that students are enrolled in the wrong course.
I arrive after the 1st day of the group course. Which class should I sign up for ?
In order to harmonize the level and number of students in the group classes, we no longer accept students from Tuesday onwards. We will then offer you private lessons according to our availability.
Is ESF Les Rousses dependent on the resort ?
The ESF works in partnership with the resort of Les Rousses, but is a private entity and does not depend on the communes of Bois d'Amont, Prémanon or Les Rousses, nor on Saem-Sogestar, the resort manager, nor on the Communauté de Communes de la Station des Rousses. In the event of a problem or complaint against the ESF, contact only the ESF.

Bookings & payment methods

How can I book my lessons ?
FRENCH SCHOOL HOLIDAYS (book your lessons in advance) :
No group or private lessons booked by phone or e-mail !
  • Group lessons & prestiges lessons on sale online : only on weekly lesson packages (5-day packages) from the start of the French Christmas/New Year school vacations to the end of the winter holidays (bookings up to 3 days before the 1st lesson).
  • Private lessons on sale online : only on weekly lesson packages (5-day packages) during the French Christmas/New Year and February school vacations.

  • Group mini-lessons on sale online : on weekly course packages (5-day package) and for single courses on weekends.
  • Private lessons : Bookings can be made by telephone, with full payment by credit card (distance selling), or bookings can be made directly at the ESF desks on arrival at the resort.


If you don't book in advance, you can sign up directly at the ESF desks on arrival in the resort (subject to remaining availability).
Will a reservation without payment be taken into account ?
No, because without full payment we cannot issue course cards.
Can I make a reservation by e-mail ?
No, by no means.
I can't book my lessons online ?
  • Make sure you choose a full week's stay, and not one that straddles two different weeks.
  • Your child must be at least 3 years old at the time of your stay.
  • Finally, you can't book your lessons from work! Computer restrictions may prevent you from booking. Please re-book from your PC or personal tablet.
Are online sales secure? I'm reluctant to give my credit card number to pay for my courses.
  • Your bank details are validated via secure payment. All guarantees are taken for you as for us !
What methods of payment does esf accept ?
  • Online : Visa, Mastercard, Carte Bleue, American Express ;
  • Over the counter : bank card; bank cheque in euros, paper and connect vacation vouchers, sports vouchers; cash.
Do I have to collect my course cards from the Esf ?
  • Esf Les Rousses does not issue lesson cards for purchases made at the counter or by telephone, whether for group or private lessons. If you booked online, you should have received a course eCard available from the MyESF application and/or an order confirmation e-mail. You can present one of these documents to the instructor on your first day of class.
  • If you didn't bring any proof, don't panic! Our instructors regularly check their schedules and student lists for each lesson. You'll still be able to take part !
In the event of accident or illness during my stay at Les Rousses, will Esf reimburse me for my lessons ?
Subject to certain conditions. Please refer to our general terms and conditions or contact the ESF for further information.
I won't be able to come to the resort but I've already booked and paid for my lessons. Can I get a refund ? 
Subject to certain conditions. Please refer to our general terms and conditions or contact the ESF for further information.
Can children and adults from the same family ski together ?
No, lessons must be homogeneous (age and level) to enable better progress. Teaching children and adults to ski is not the same.

Meeting places

How do I get to the Esf meeting points in Les Rousses ?
Free shuttles (subject to conditions) are available in the resort. Click here for timetables and stops.
I've bought downhill skiing/snowboarding lessons. What are the meeting points ?
  • Private lessons : Meet at the private course sign in front of the Esf office, go up the stairs located next to the Crêperie.
  • Group lessons : Once in front of the esf office, facing the slopes, walk along the buildings on your right to the Esf kindergarten. For all ski and snowboard levels, meet at the top of the kindergarten, in front of the sign corresponding to your level.
In the event of poor snow conditions or full courses at Les Jouvencelles, you may be redirected to two meeting points:

Private and group lessons : For all levels of skiing or snowboarding, meet at the left of the Les Dappes chairlift in front of the kindergarten, at the meeting point corresponding to your level.

Private and group lessons : For all levels of skiers and snowboarders, meet at the right-hand side of the pistes, in front of the kindergarten, at the sign corresponding to your level.

I've bought Nordic skiing, biathlon and snowshoeing lessons. Where can I meet ?
Go to the start of the slopes.
  • Private lessons : Meet in front of the "Private lessons" sign.
  • Group lessons : Meet in front of the sign corresponding to your level.

Once in front of the Les Rousses Tourist Office, in the center of the village, take the Route Royale, on your left as you look towards the Office, drive 150 meters, the Porte de l'Orbe is on your left in the large parking lot.
  • Private lessons : Meet in front of the "Private lessons" sign.
  • Group lessons : Meet in front of the sign for your level.

Other activities
For snowshoeing lessons : Meet at the faubourg parking lot in Les Rousses opposite the "Ô pain du lac" bakery.

The meeting points are the same as for online purchases, unless you have been offered a course on a different massif or at a different entrance; the exact meeting point will have been specified to you at the time of purchase.
Please note! In the event of insufficient snow cover in the villages of Les Rousses or Prémanon, appointments may be changed. If in doubt, ask our Esf hosts/hostesses at our various sales outlets.